

Our camera can take pictures and record videos. You need to store this media somewhere, so we provide several options.

Navigate to /cofig/config.upload.lua and set the Config.Upload.Method to your preferred option. Follow the instructions in the config file to finish the setup.

  1. Fivemanage - RECOMMENDED

  2. Discord - NOT RECOMMENDED(the links will expire after a while)

  3. Custom(You need to implement it yourself)


You can add/remove apps from the phone by modifying the config.json:apps file.

  1. Go to config/config.json and locate the app.

  2. Select it and REMOVE it.

  3. Restart the phone, preferably the whole server.

If it doesn't work, you most likely commented on the app, so you must remove it. JSON files don't support comments.

Restrict Apps

    "key": "darkchat",
    "name": "Dark Chat",
    "description": "Communication",
    "defaultApp": false,
    "disabledJobs": ["police"],
    "allowedJobs": ["cartel"]


Although we provide multi-language support, our language choices are still restricted.

Add new language:

  1. Navigate to /config/config.locales.lua and add a new entry to the Config.Locales array with your language.

  2. Add your file in /ui/build/locales and name it the same as the value field in the config.locales.lua file.

  3. Restart the server to Apply the changes.

  4. Preferably commit your translations to our repository - GitHub


You can enable and customize the Valet functionality from config/config.garages.lua.

Config.Valet = {}
Config.Valet.Enabled = true -- Allow players to get their vehicles from the phone
Config.Valet.Price = 100 -- Price to get your vehicle from the valet


To add personalized ringtones and notification sounds to your phone, simply follow these instructions:

Navigate to /config/config.json and add a new entry to the ringtones array. The key field is the name of the file without the extension. The name field is the name that will be displayed in the phone. The extension field is the file extension.

Add your sound file to /ui/build/(humanoid/yos)/sounds/ringtones and name it the same as the key field in the config.json file.

  "ringtones": [
      "key": "GalaxyBells", - name of the file without the extension
      "name": "Galaxy Bells", - name that will be displayed in the phone
      "extension": "mp3" - file extension


To add personalized ringtones and notification sounds to your phone, simply follow these instructions:

Navigate to /config/config.json and add a new entry to the notifications array. The key field is the name of the file without the extension. The name field is the name that will be displayed in the phone. The extension field is the file extension.

Add your sound file to /ui/build/(humanoid/yos)/sounds/notifications and name it the same as the key field in the config.json file.

  "notifications": [
      "key": "Spaceline", -- name of the file without the extension
      "name": "Spaceline", -- name that will be displayed in the phone
      "extension": "mp3" -- file extension


To add personalized wallpapers to your phone, simply follow these instructions:

Navigate to /config/config.json and add a new entry to the wallpapers array. The key field is the name of the file without the extension. The name field is the name that will be displayed in the phone. The extension field is the file extension.

Add your wallpaper to /ui/build/backgrounds-front and name it the same as the key field in the config.json file.

  "wallpapers": [
      "key": "Graphite", -- name of the file without the extension
      "name": "Graphite", -- name that will be displayed in the phone
      "extension": "png" -- file extension


You can also change your city's currency and format in the config.misc.lua file.

Config.CurrencyFormat = "{amount}$"
Config.CurrencySymbol = "$"
Config.CurrencyLabel = 'usd'

Cell broadcast

Cell broadcast is a technology that allows messages (such as public alerts) to be broadcast to all mobile users in the server

Custom sound


Via Export:

---Sends a cell broadcast message.
---@param to number The recipient of the message. Source id.
---@param title string The title of the message.
---@param content string The content of the message.
---@param iconUrl string The URL of the icon to display with the message.
exports["yseries"]:CellBroadcast(to, title, content, iconUrl)

Via command in game:

/cellbroadcast <source> <title> <content> <iconUrl(optional)>

Handle death/revive

You can restrict phone usage after death by modifying the \client\custom\functions\death.lua file.

There you need to trigger OnRevive() or OnDeath() events based on your framework.

Note: If you're using ESX you have to adjust the revive event based on your ambulance script, otherwise the phone will be locked after death.

You can restrict some actions while the phone is opened in
`client\custom\functions\misc.lua:1` or
`server\custom\functions\misc.lua:1` or in another resource with
`AddEventHandler('yseries:client:toggle-phone')` or

Last updated