๐Ÿง Installation

Welcome to the NoLag Properties installation guide. Follow these steps for a smooth and easy setup. Ensure you complete all steps in the documentation for the best results.

Resource Download

To find the asset, you must have made the purchase using your own keymaster account. Otherwise, you can use the transfer system to move the asset to a different keymaster account.

Resource Dependencies

Do not start the resource without having all the dependencies on your server.

Make sure you download the build release when downloading oxmysql and ox_lib.

Resource positioning

-- First we start the framework, never below
ensure es_extended or qb-core (or your framework name)

-- The inventory should be executed above
ensure [inventory]

-- the other scripts don't matter - they can be started before or after no difference

-- The properties system
ensure [properties] -- Put nolag_properties, shells and props here!


If you are just installing the nolag_properties you don't need to insert anything, the script automatically inserts the sql files

If there are any tables named buildings, properties, properties_owners, properties_prices, properties_renters, properties_rentprices, properties_doors you should drop them.

Moving from v1 to v2

After update 2.0, it is required to delete all the SQL and install it completely from scratch to avoid problems, since now the database structure is very different. You can use the SQL query below to drop the tables if you were using our old version.

ALTER TABLE `properties` DROP FOREIGN KEY `fk_buildingID`;
DROP TABLE `properties`;
DROP TABLE `buildings`;


You can enable the shells you are using in config.lua under the Shells section. If you are using any shells that are not added by default, you can refer to the Add More Shells section.

-- Supported Shells by default
-- If you want to add more shells you can take a look at the custom/shells folder
Shells = {
    K4mb1StarterShells = true, -- [FREE] https://www.k4mb1maps.com/package/5015840
    EnviShells = false,        -- [FREE] https://envi-scripts.tebex.io/package/6407814

    AllShellsBundle = false,   -- [PAID] https://www.k4mb1maps.com/package/5107241
    AllShellsBundle2 = false,  -- [PAID] https://www.k4mb1maps.com/package/5107241

    JamaringV1 = false,        -- [PAID] https://jamaring-maps.tebex.io/package/6095279
    JamaringV2 = false,        -- [PAID] https://jamaring-maps.tebex.io/package/6274927

    MaxCreations = false,      -- [PAID] https://maxcreationsstore.tebex.io/package/6177840

Compatible Resources

This part of the script is open, so you can add or edit any of these resource using nolag_properties/custom/*/*.lua.

Compatible Garage systems

If you don't have any of these systems, contact the garage creator to see if they can make compatibility, otherwise don't open a ticket for this type of thing.

Compatible inventory resources

If you don't have any of these systems, contact the inventory creator to see if they can make compatibility, otherwise don't open a ticket for this type of thing.

Resource nameResource LinkFree

ox_inventory (recommended, don't use others)








qs-inventory (please don't)


Last updated